A slightly different blog today giving those who have come on my courses and those subscribed to my Blog some valuable information.
I'm going to begin a little series of online tutorials on here and encourage you to be as interactive as you like. Please feel free to comment on the video in youtube. Or if you have a question relating to Spey Casting, Fly Casting in general, please come back to me with it on here.
This video provides some really valuable information on the Ian Gordon [Torpedo] Style of casting and the more Traditional Spey Cast, as taught by lots of people in the past.
You will be fascinated to see that, irrespective of style,the cadence or time the caster takes to complete cycle of the cast is determined "Totally" by the length of the line!
The rod and line used in the demonstration is a Cadence 14'6" with a Cadence 56 foot Spey Line.
Hey, I like your split screen idea. I recently came across an article dedicated to this and started using this option in my YouTube videos. Maybe you know a few more ways to decorate a video? I would love to hear from you about this.
The one on the left I use for more distance. The one on the right for a more leisurely trip down a pool.
The one on the left is my style of casting that’s the way you taught me, no stopping even for a second as it kills the cast.